Methuselah a name older than its name

 In the memory of old and new earth, this name Methuselah did not disappear or even wash out from the tale of the Great Flood. I used the word tale because Noah's Ark is often reread in our youngster years, every night with star lullabies and it brings you to the original earth back in time from a mom's or granny's lip stories. Ah... those times when a kid's mind would just want to sleep and not know any sense of time anymore and arrive in a dream realm.

It always starts with a single boat and an old man with the birds of the air in his hands. As a kid, I always imagined that Noah's ark was depicted in a little boat. As I grew older, thoughts and references expanded and wisdom revealed to me that the boat was indeed an ark, a gigantic ship, an old man was indeed the last oldest patriarch was the captain and the passengers of the boat were not only a bird but an entire animal kingdom. 

In a kid's mind, we take these tales by heart. We keep them so pure and innocent until we find the whole story and truths in it. We know it by a tale spoken by our grannies but we have outgrown them to be the 'Great Flood' from a simple story of Noah's Ark. Some would even say Noah's Ark of Covenant. And I would say, Noah's Ark is fine, but adding Covenant is too deep. And my mom would say, that is true because it involves the Great Flood. 

Methuselah's name in the Great Flood proves that he is the transition of the new earth to come. Hailing from Good Apple Seth's lineage from the original parents Adam and Eve, having the track record of Enoch's great grandfather, Jared's own grandson, Lamech's father, and finally, Noah's grandfather, his name would truly claim he has met the original parents and witnessed down to the last descendant. 

To this day, the name Methuselah still refers to the oldest known man who lived on earth. I still appreciate him today and his contributions to bringing up Noah whom the Divine found to be faithful and pure. After the Great Flood, mankind repopulated the earth through Seth's descendants. How come there are still wicked people today?


#novelbites #novelwriting #noah #thegreatflood #methuselah



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