A Raven to hunt

Part 1. RAVEN

As the waters of the deep deluge continue to recede, the colors of the sun are beginning to shine. Sun dusting the small window of the Ark is a ray of hope now entered mankind. Noah never felt good but became better than yesterday. He decides to hunt for the day. Two birds, two outcomes, yet one mission. A raven and a dove to overcome come what may.


Surely Noah knows exactly what each winged creature can do. Again, many scholars tried to explain why a raven and a dove have to be chosen to accomplish this task. Some choose to believe in religious significance identifying the unclean and clean animals as they classify with such. Raven is an unclean bird because it feasts with carcasses but perfectly cleans the unclean mess. A dove is a clean bird because it chooses vegetation over fleshy parts.


But for me, I refuse to bully these wonderful birds simply because of what they eat. I think that Noah chooses a Raven first to inspect the whole world because it is a hunter-prey bird. It can withstand any smell or unsightly sight seeing if there is decay of flesh and feasts it with joy in their beaks. No other bird can do what they were tasked to do. So it's the Raven to kickstart mankind to live again or nothing at all and rot in the ark.


One thing more, Ravens are typically strong in terms of their senses. Man of today finds that Ravens are indeed a king of mischiefs that can think and feel like a man. Meaning they are highly intelligent and know every corner of this earth even its dead. 🌾

Even so, the Ravens do not back off any flight missions. They flutter in confidence and can mutter their bird noise to inform a man. Noah knows this well but many of us today form a lot of theories. I don't like complicated stuff so I prefer to write what is necessarily simple truths.


If Ravens were not in the ark, I think mankind and the animal kingdom would not live long enough to see the sun. While it feasts on every fleshy death of animals and mankind, it also saved the whole creation not to rot when it bravely took the first flight of alive animals and mankind.


Good job to this blackbird and thank you for being brave.


#novelbites #noah #thegreatflood #raven



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