Only tree that stands is an Olive Tree

Did you know that the only tree that stood after the great flood was an olive tree? Although the trees are capable of holding water, after the great flood, I did not think they were all destroyed and if there are survivors from the tree kingdom I doubt if it would be able to sprout that fast without their seeds. Surprisingly, an Olive Tree stands still after the Divine's fury. Let us know why.

One thing about this special tree loves the sea water and embraces the heat of the sun. It grows on arid and barren soils, and it is severely stubborn beating drought. It cannot be bent by many strong winds, its resistance to diseases brought them to live for over a thousand of years. Surviving the Great Flood? That is a pure test of this hellish tree's firmness. Maybe even if you overthrow this tree in the hell of a fire and burn it all, the roots will amazingly remain grounded and untouched. What's really special about this tree is the roots. It did not seem to get worried at all even if the Divine sent its fury drowning all of its tree peers and found itself alive.

On earth, a man calls this tree "the tree of life". Most praised from all fruit-bearing trees, its oil was regarded as one of the finest, natural good oils for the human body. For many centuries it has been used for anointing heads of leaders. For many generations, flowing through groundbreaking ceremonies its oil was also used to heal man's dry skin.

After 7 days of the dove's first flight and returning to Noah, the second dove went to fly the skies. This time, it returned with an olive branch with a leaf in its beak impressing: if a tree is alive, man can come out of the ark and start to live again. Olive Tree did a job well done. Surviving from all trees, this humble stubborn tree became a green go signal, a sign of life to animals and mankind.


#novelbites #noah #thegreatflood #olivebranch #olivetree




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