Reduce the need for miracles

So what does sleep or resting have to do with Noah's Ark? Can a man reduce the need for miracles as they sleep? Tough questions. Can we find answers?

The first question is easy to answer because the answer was made all in human flesh. The name Noah means 'rest'. Moreover, I like to keep it simple by calling it 'sleep'. So can I rename it to Rest Ark or Sleep Ark. Nobody on this planet can explain how Noah put all of the animal kingdoms together in a single ship? Some scholars would want to reduce the need for miracles so they speculated lots of ideas to explain Noah's expert hands in handling these cute pygmy owls who do not sleep in their nocturnal nature at night. 

For me, Sleep is an ancient design, a divine gift to man. Sleep made the Divine bring out a woman from a man. Sleep is a divine miracle that happens every day. Sleep was the only way the Divine secretly connected to man and brought out the desires in his heart.

The animal kingdom or insects do it too. But we do not know if all of it truly sleeps. Can you tell if a grasshopper sleeps? 

I want to emphasize what are 40 days and 40 nights of rainfall filled the earth of what man calls 'the Great Flood'. Rain has a dramatic effect when it pertains to resting and sleep. The hard raindrop sounds from the heavens no mercy days coupled with rumblings of thunders and sharp lightnings, all creation perished outside the Ark, all creation alive inside the Ark heard and felt the wrath of the Divine. Enduring to hear the Divine's rage same time while providing their miracle escape, the animals must have naturally felt tired and thus surrendered to sleep. 

Fear may have gripped all of the living whether dying or alive. In those days, the longest slumber may have really happened when creation feared the presence of the Divine. Placing them under a man called Noah, his name shall forever be encoded in the animal kingdoms' memory of escape and a man's example of understanding what it means to be responsible first.

We cannot reduce the need for miracles. For when creation sleeps, all things become possible and miracles work to awaken us every day.


#novelbites #noah #sleep #greatflood #novelwriting



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