Remnant's found at the Mountain peak

 At the mountain peak? Why not? 

A ship without an anchor, a ship without flags or ropes floated above water for one full solar year. When the deluge settled all of its water, the Ark found refuge at a mountain peak. 

When the miracle escape ends, new beginnings waive their hands. Will Noah take it? In the Movie "NOAH", Noah understood animals' needs but not his own family's needs. So he vehemently denied the rights of any humans to repopulate Earth including his own family. So Noah had it all pre-arranged and instructed Japheth would be the last man to walk on earth.

If this is true, then the Divine should not have included a remnant to be preserved & discovered by the children of today. Because in all honesty, we do not really deserve it this today. If Mt.Ararat was as old as the time of Noah, then this mountain is really blessed. For when all creation shook to let the fountains of the deep explode, this mountain may have been set apart and found its landscape to be untouched. If this is true, the impossible truly happened because when the earth received the Divine's wrath, many geographic locations may have been moved & wiped out from the face of the earth. But in this case, a special place was set apart to rest the remnants of the ark.

Given our Animal caretaker forefathers have seen it all including the Divine's wrath, and the great task to be done enduring years of years of toil building the ark to ensure that miracle escape happens, I would accept the movie version from the holy book because after the Great flood, the holy book remained silent and put it to undisclosed details. Next thing we knew, Noah already had a vineyard plantation installed in the newfound land after abandoning its so-called Noah's Ark ship.

As much as we wanted to have more of this Noah's Ark, it really ended well at the mountain peak found in modern-day Turkey. How high it is would not even compare to when the actual Ark performed its flood-tested walls & ceiling depth of float. 

Wonder and awe left all of us today. But we should be thankful to the Divine for this beautiful ancient token, the very reason we are still living on earth today.


#novelbites #noah l #landing #mountain



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