
Showing posts from January, 2024

Divine Romance

 A divine is not the Creator if He didn't respond to a man's solemn offering. What's the last scene? The Divine flashed a rainbow. How heavy and special it is? Granting a man's effort so pleasingly well and reward thereafter is a Divine's duty to a man who labored with every flesh and every breath of creation, well done and praised by the heavens. The flashing of a Rain of Bow in the high skies means everything seems new even if it's really old. The renewal of the Divine's love for mankind and its creation. A promise of forever to continue the saga of the Divine. Receiving a Divine promise to a man who is made of dust from the earth and breath of moment is really an envy to the other evil side. Again, that question lingers, what is it with the man that the Divine pledges itself in the promise of forever? Everyone knows it now. In the form of a rainbow, every man standing and living on earth shall witness Noah and Divine's sweet romance for mankind and a

Peace offering

Noah's slim chances of survival were finally out of sight and fully realized after the third flight of the dove. It did not come back to the ark anymore. And it also means that the long slumber is gone and there is more work to do afterward. The transition from the old earth to a new earth is really earth-shattering, and heartbreaking, and the heavens bend to let out all of what's left from the first creation of the earth. The Divine is so confident and entrusted it all with the man whose name means sleep or rest impressing there's no other way to do it than rest or sleep along with the journey.  From that moment on, Noah realized all was safe to come out of the ark. Finding all of animal pairs noisy and bumping each other, the sight must be heartwarming seeing all of the creations are alive and well. Of course, as far as who kept them alive needs full credit for preserving all of their breaths in the ark. So as we speak, Noah's first natural instinct was to offer thank

Only tree that stands is an Olive Tree

Did you know that the only tree that stood after the great flood was an olive tree? Although the trees are capable of holding water, after the great flood, I did not think they were all destroyed and if there are survivors from the tree kingdom I doubt if it would be able to sprout that fast without their seeds. Surprisingly, an Olive Tree stands still after the Divine's fury. Let us know why. One thing about this special tree loves the sea water and embraces the heat of the sun. It grows on arid and barren soils, and it is severely stubborn beating drought. It cannot be bent by many strong winds, its resistance to diseases brought them to live for over a thousand of years. Surviving the Great Flood? That is a pure test of this hellish tree's firmness. Maybe even if you overthrow this tree in the hell of a fire and burn it all, the roots will amazingly remain grounded and untouched. What's really special about this tree is the roots. It did not seem to get worried at all e

Remnant's found at the Mountain peak

 At the mountain peak? Why not?  A ship without an anchor, a ship without flags or ropes floated above water for one full solar year. When the deluge settled all of its water, the Ark found refuge at a mountain peak.  When the miracle escape ends, new beginnings waive their hands. Will Noah take it? In the Movie "NOAH", Noah understood animals' needs but not his own family's needs. So he vehemently denied the rights of any humans to repopulate Earth including his own family. So Noah had it all pre-arranged and instructed Japheth would be the last man to walk on earth. If this is true, then the Divine should not have included a remnant to be preserved & discovered by the children of today. Because in all honesty, we do not really deserve it this today. If Mt.Ararat was as old as the time of Noah, then this mountain is really blessed. For when all creation shook to let the fountains of the deep explode, this mountain may have been set apart and found its landscape

A Dove for manhunt

 Part 2. DOVE As the Raven flew, Noah knew, the bird would fly high and smell the skies. It is not a perfect day but the raven is the perfect bird to hunt down the hunted. There is nothing new in the world, between the living and the dead, is the Divine looking down from the high skies. 🌾 After a few days, Noah was waiting but not expecting from the brave bird. The hunter bird was feasting under the gloomy skies. It went back to and fro as it fluttered its wings circling above the ark producing a haunting noise and far stranger eyes. 🌿 Noah smiled and finally knew, the second now, must fly. Borne as a bird whisperer, he finally freed a Dove to fly in the haunting and gloomy skies. 🌾 The Dove for the first time used its wings to fly. Too weak yet tried to flutter up high used its soft trills to awaken the earth and proclaim peace above its skies. The winds guided it, as the Divine corner mouths smiled.  The dove is a symbol of peacemakers. I really believe these birds are highly spir

A Raven to hunt

Part 1. RAVEN As the waters of the deep deluge continue to recede, the colors of the sun are beginning to shine. Sun dusting the small window of the Ark is a ray of hope now entered mankind. Noah never felt good but became better than yesterday. He decides to hunt for the day. Two birds, two outcomes, yet one mission. A raven and a dove to overcome come what may. 🌿 Surely Noah knows exactly what each winged creature can do. Again, many scholars tried to explain why a raven and a dove have to be chosen to accomplish this task. Some choose to believe in religious significance identifying the unclean and clean animals as they classify with such. Raven is an unclean bird because it feasts with carcasses but perfectly cleans the unclean mess. A dove is a clean bird because it chooses vegetation over fleshy parts. 🌾 But for me, I refuse to bully these wonderful birds simply because of what they eat. I think that Noah chooses a Raven first to inspect the whole world because it is a hunter-p

Fountains of the deep

 Before Noah's Ark, there was a severe spread of man's wickedness, the presence of Nephilims, and the sons of God intermarried the daughters of men. Interestingly, only the man's wickedness made the Divine regret and made his heart deeply troubled. 🌬 What is it with man that the Divine set its heart on? Out of the three reasons, when it comes to man, the Divine's heart is "deeply troubled?" The answer would be, that man is the object of His divine affection, the heart of its creation. In the book of Revelation, it even said that those whom the Divine redeems in the last days can be compared to unblemished brides. 🌬 We must understand that the Divine used both the skies and the ground of the earth to accomplish His words. Skies to send rainfall. Flood to open the ground of earth. 🌬 So why use rain and flood? The Divine always uses supernatural means using nature to judge and to punish arrange a certain outcome and rectify man's mistakes. Judgment and pun

Reduce the need for miracles

So what does sleep or resting have to do with Noah's Ark? Can a man reduce the need for miracles as they sleep? Tough questions. Can we find answers? The first question is easy to answer because the answer was made all in human flesh. The name Noah means 'rest'. Moreover, I like to keep it simple by calling it 'sleep'. So can I rename it to Rest Ark or Sleep Ark. Nobody on this planet can explain how Noah put all of the animal kingdoms together in a single ship? Some scholars would want to reduce the need for miracles so they speculated lots of ideas to explain Noah's expert hands in handling these cute pygmy owls who do not sleep in their nocturnal nature at night.  For me, Sleep is an ancient design, a divine gift to man. Sleep made the Divine bring out a woman from a man. Sleep is a divine miracle that happens every day. Sleep was the only way the Divine secretly connected to man and brought out the desires in his heart. The animal kingdom or insects do it to

The animal was first called

 Why? Can you explain the truth behind it? True to my heart, the Divine is truly the God of order. For when the time of the Ark came, the Divine followed the first order of creation the animal kingdom before the likeness of Man and Woman was formed. Following the order of creation was also following who would enter the ark first.  Instructing two of every kind of animal kingdom, male and female, and identifying their food from the food chain is not a nice and easy job at all. The project in the blueprint requires a jack-of-all-trade worker from a shipbuilder to a taxonomist to a zoologist to a captain of the Titanic-like ship, Noah has to be a super god in the human body. A scoffer would say, one human is impossible to memorize or study all animals in one lifetime. Not to mention putting them all together in one ship, an average man will go crazy to do it in their lifetime. We did not include yet the dinosaurs. What about the biggest of them called Titanosaurus? The myths about the dr

The Watcher's fall

Part 1. Although I had been avoiding touching this part of Noah's Ark tale, I cannot do so because it fills a void or creates a gap and the tale of truth becomes a huge lie. Their presence before the Great Flood was strongly and clearly stated. However, man failed to literally write the entire truth about it and even me today. Hence, we read or hear different versions of the so-called Watchers.  There is nothing new to this world and Nephilims are one of them, the so-called "sons of God", the Anakims, the demons and angels and the Divine himself always involved in the love of the earth and its residents. But who are these Watchers? In all of my understanding, the Watchers are divine instruments who were originally tasked to 'watch over' humans and animals dwelling on Earth. On earth, we call them angels of light or God's providence. Seriously they were thrown to earth for disobeying the Divine? Or they stubbornly do not want to lose their nature and do not wan

A million cut trees 🌳

The wood used according to scholars was still not quite clear until today. It remains a scribal error but the wood identified by the Divine according to the holy book is the Gopher wood. A type of cypress or cedar wood used mainly for building titanic-like ships in the ancient past.  Whether it is gopher wood or another wood not known today, I believe that the wood is capable of holding a Great Flood.  I can describe it like this, waterproof and sturdy, incorruptible tree from the hand of the Divine.  Everyone knows that if a wood is used to sail in the waters for a full solar year without any landings or repairs for minor or major wear and tear won't stand it. Try to get a simple piece of wood and float it in the water for how many days and observe the properties. The wood typically softens and like a sponge absorbs the water. This is what trees are all made of, absorb water inside their roots and hold it there to become its nourishment or its decay. How come the Divine uses wood

Zohar, the light from the Heavens

 Just as what exactly does Zohar mean?  Zohar is an ancient light from the Garden of Eden. Our forefathers did not leave this in secret but the wisdom was kept and twisted by many scholars and beliefs. It has been said that Zohar is found in Pishon known as a river flowed out to water a garden that divides the four rivers of Eden.  Zohar is a type of light, the first light of the creation which is stronger than the sun, moon, or even the stars according to many scholars but I believe that it is also a type of gemstone, mined along the Pishon River and it was hidden along by our patriarchs or forefathers so the righteous could use it for the Divine's creation purpose. With the increase of knowledge of good and evil between Cain and Seth's descendants, only Seth's descendants were able to pass it on to their sons down to Noah. Noah the ark builder to Abraham the faithful Father of all nations to Isaac the saved sacrifice passed on to Jacob's ladder the deceiver to Joseph

Methuselah a name older than its name

 In the memory of old and new earth, this name Methuselah did not disappear or even wash out from the tale of the Great Flood. I used the word tale because Noah's Ark is often reread in our youngster years, every night with star lullabies and it brings you to the original earth back in time from a mom's or granny's lip stories. Ah... those times when a kid's mind would just want to sleep and not know any sense of time anymore and arrive in a dream realm. It always starts with a single boat and an old man with the birds of the air in his hands. As a kid, I always imagined that Noah's ark was depicted in a little boat. As I grew older, thoughts and references expanded and wisdom revealed to me that the boat was indeed an ark, a gigantic ship, an old man was indeed the last oldest patriarch was the captain and the passengers of the boat were not only a bird but an entire animal kingdom.  In a kid's mind, we take these tales by heart. We keep them so pure and innoce

The Miracle is for them

 I have been wanting to touch on the topic "Noah's Ark" for some time and truly when the Heavens have to agree on what to do with humankind because of the spread of wickedness, humans are the first to suffer along with the Divine's creation the animal kingdom. Noah's Ark is a kickstart of everything. Understanding the heart of the Divine's mind and purpose would expose his main concern and love for the entire creation and for choosing a lineage or what we call a holy descendant from Seth's blood to continue His plans and purpose while Abel's slain blood was cut off from earth. He had to wipe out Cain's poisoned blood because of killing his brother Abel, cursed by roaming and wandering on earth. Whether there were innocents in it, the Divine did not look at it as a loss but as part of cleansing the entire earth. After Adam and Eve, the creation multiplied but did not achieve peace. Man's wickedness spread has put the entire creation to start ov